Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Here i am again!

Udah lebih dari setahun ga ngepost. well, anyway, I'm a highschooler now! Such an honoured to be accepted in a state highschool. I'm 11th grade. and almost 17 years old. Aw :)
Pengalaman awal jadi anak SMA nih ya, awalnya felt so excited kan, kayaknya anak SMA itu bisa ngapain aja sesuka kita. Iya, emang bener. I mean, we're scared of NOTHING at all. Tapi ya balik lagi ke kita. Di SMA juga kita makin ngenalin segala resiko hidup yang bepotensi bakal kita alamin. Jadi bikin kita milah-milih mana hal positif mana hal negatif.

Semua kejadian hidup sebagian besar dialamin pas SMA, gue rasa. Mulai dari kita mulai ngenalin dunia luar kayak gimana. Mulai berani berpendapat di organisasi yang cukup complex anggotanya. Kerja sama dgn orang-orang penting. Had crush on someone. And then feel so loved and blessed. Banyak kejadian unik di SMA ini.

Aku mengikuti program IPS disekolah. Karena apa, karena menurut gue agak wasting time pusing-pusing belajar biologi, kimia, fisika sedangkan tujuan hidup lu itu bukan kearah sana. Sukses itu ga diukur darimana jurusan SMA lu kok. Tapi lebih ke "gimana usaha lu buat ngeraih kesuksesan itu." alhamdulillah selama di kelas IPS gue lebih bisa fokus. Nilai juga lumayan lah dibanding kelas 10 dulu. Maatasih bisa masuk 5 besar.

Speaking of kelas gue, gue dikelas 11 IPS 1. The one and only kelas IPS disekolah. Dengan 45 siswa dalam 1 kelas. Dan berbagai karakter dan latar belakang juga. Di kelas IPS gue ngerasa enjoy banget. Karena disana kita sama-sama mengedepankan solidaritas antar sesama dan ga bersikap "individual". Saling bantu aja. Entah dalam hal akademik atau non-akademik. Mereka udah kaya sodara gue sendiri. Yang cowok juga ngelawak cenderung alay ^^ tapi mereka kalo soal kompak, beuh.. Mereka maju paling depan. Yang ceweknya ada yang tim gossip, ada yang pendiem, ada yang biasa-biasa aja. Dibalik perbedaan karakter, justru itu yang bikin kelas kita makin variatif. Yang pinter sharing ke yang biasa aja. Jadi yang tadinya ga nguasain itu, jadi cukup ngerti lah sama materinya. Gue cukup seneng lah jadi bagian dari ESCALATION = Eleven Social Nation :)

Gue juga ikut ekstrakurikuler Pramuka. Pramuka lebih memberikan impact besar dalam gaya hidup gue. Lewat pramuka gue jadi lebih percaya diri. Lebih bisa memberikan pendapat dan jadi orang yang kritis. Banyak "Inspiring People" yang gue temuin di Pramuka. Terutama kakak pelatih gue, Kak Syarif namanya. Beliau ini manusia idealis yang fleksibel dan gampang berbaur. Beliau ini paling jago memposisikan dirinya. Disaat keadaan becanda, ya becanda tapi disaat keadaan serius, ya serius. Beliau ini orang yang jarang ngomong tapi banyak nunjukin. Ideal banget lah. Beliau ini udah kayak kakak, ayah kedua, temen, sahabat, pahlawan kecil buat kita. Kalo gaada beliau, gatau kita jadinya kayak gimana. Beliau dan Kak Sofyan ini pahlaan-pahlawan yang bina kita selama lebih dari setahun ini. Beliau-beliau ini sangat perlu diapresiasi keberadaannya. Pasti banyak pengorbanan yang beliau-beliau lakuin buat supporting Pramuka kita. Gue suka meng-quote kata-kata dari beliau-beliau ini misalnya;
"Adil itu gak harus sama, yang penting sesuai." - Kak Syarif
"Musuh 1 kebanyakan, teman 1000 kurang." - Kak Syarif
"Kalian harus bisa mandiri tanpa harus ketergantungan dengan siapapun." - Kak Sofyan
Itu beberapa dari sekian banyak kata-kata mutiara yang beliau-beliau sampaikan. Kalo mereka udah ngasi masukan tuh rasanya acceptable banget. Rada tajem, tapi memang begitu adanya. Anggota pramuka disekolah gue juga udah gue anggap kaya kakak/adik sendiri. Udah kayak sodara beda orangtua doang. Hehe ^^

And then future. Gue selalu ngerasa insecure kalo ngomongin masa depan. I mean, bentar lagi gue kuliah, gue jadi dewasa. Pasti makin banyak beban hidup gue. Tapi ya bismillahirrahmanirrahim aja semoga semuanya dimudahkan dan dilancarkan. Guenya juga makin dikuatkan sama Allah SWT.

That's all cerita gue tentang kehidupan di Sekolah Menengah Atas. Ada ups and downs-nya. But we have to find a way around because this is not the end :) jalanin aja apa yang ada pasti nanti ada jalan, inshaAllah. Kurangin ngeluh. Jangan jahat sama orang. Jadi orang baik itu jauh lebih tenang. Mulai belajar mengikhlaskan apa yang belum milik kita. Percaya aja nanti juga bakal get paid off sama hal yang jauh lebih baik kok. Good night :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

An origin story of why I love Cory Monteith.

October 6th 2010 was the FIRST time I saved Cory's photo. I ain't the oldest Gleek,actually. I'm being a Gleek like more than a year. At first, I was fell in love with Quinn Fabray. She was very pretty and incredible. And when I watched Glee Season 1 episode titled "Vitamin D" I'm soooooo in love with Finn! Cory's character. And then, I'm starting to googling about himself. I almost know everything about him. His dark past, his parents, his parents' names, his birthday date, his height, all of the gossip of him, his fashion stylist, his publicist. ALMOST ANYTHING ABOUT HIM!! I thought Cory was the person who always take serious of everything. I mean, he's old. He was like 28 years old at that time. And I thought Cory had his own family. And I was wrong. He's so silly,you know. He's super uber adorable. Adorkable,actually. He's always telling some jokes in his tweets or on his mouth. I'm just loving it. He wasn't that too serious guy as I thought. He's funny. And turns out, he was still single. He had no girlfriend or wife or kids or whatever in that time. And I was like typed "Cory Monteith" on youtube or tumblr or twitter or google or on everywhere for thousands times.

Cory Monteith is one of the reasons why I'm watching Glee until now. Cory Monteith has made me cry. Cory Monteith has made me laugh so hard. Cory Monteith has made me smiles too wide. Cory Monteith has made me to being myself because that's good enough for him. Cory monteith has made to be the better person. And Cory Monteith has inspired me in so many ways.
A perfect words to Cory is "From zero, to hero" I mean, he really wokrs hard everyday of his life to get this successful. He deserves this life. He deserves to has a bunch of fans. And he really deserves to get Lea Michele!! Yeah. His co-star on glee. They're just so perfect together.

At the end of the day, I will be supporting Cory no matter what. Whether he's getting older, or have a wife, or having a bunch of kids. It doesn't make me change my love to him. As long as Cory is still acting and singing in his career I'll be his hugest fan for forever. I promise. I never leave him.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The truth is.......

So... Hi again!

After gone like for months. And now, hi everyobdy!! Here I am! I'm still alive. Don't worry.
What's the best thing you've got today? Mine is.. umm I have done my try out today. Hope the result will makes me happy. And makes my parents proud of me. But, yeah. Frankly, I don't f*cking care about that. because it doesn't matter for me. All the matter is my National Exam. Try outs are just wasting my time. Haha. No,I'm kidding. I do care about try outs and stuff.
Well, yeah. I'm telling you being a 9th grader is A LOT HARDER THAN I THOUGHT! I get so many assignments, homeworks, and stuff. I get so busy. I have to stop hangin' out. Stop doing "my fun things". Yes. I know after I graduate I will free for 2 months and finding my future school. And become A HIGH SCHOOLER! I don't know I get so excited when I hear I'm getting closer to be a high schooler. I mean, high school is the time to creating yourselves. And be free. Your parents will more believe in you when you're in high school. How time flies so fast! I'm going to graduate from junior high school and going to high school. Yay!!

And if I can, when I'm graduate from high school I will take scholarship in New York! Yes. My mom have agreed that I can go to NYC when I'm in collage. So,yeah. I'm gonna leave all my beloved friends here. Which is kinda sad,though. I have so many awesome friends,here. But, I have to reach my dream. Be in New York City is my BIG DREAM. And I won't let anything or anyone to ruins my dream. When I'm arrive at NYC the first thing I would do is GOING TO CENTRAL PARK!!! Seeing the people around there. It would be so wonderful. I will do anything FOR NEW YORK CITY!

And another thing, umm... Boyfriend. In my age, bunch of girls vying to get a boyfriend. But for me, I'm still 14 years old. I think it's too young to be with a guy. Taking care of him. It's just NOT me. I don't deserve to have a boyfriend yet. My nature is like a child. I'm a crybaby. I'm spoiled. My mind is still full of ridiculous things. Maybe, you think that I'm a hypocrite. Because everyone in my age is really need a person who cares enough about you. A someone special. Well, yes. You guys are right. I have an incredible family, and an awesome friends around me which is they're care enough about me. And so do I. I never feel lonely because I have a wonderful family. They're more than anything in this world. And my friends, they're like my family,too. They're so special to me. So,yeah. I'm proudly say that I. AM. SINGLE. A happiest single lady in this world. And so are you!! For a single ladies or guys out there. This is our year. Let's make it! Let's set your future. Don't care about what people say about you. You're a gift. You are special. Just go through with what you believe,okay :) Xo


Saturday, July 30, 2011


Well, if you guys wondering why I miss my sists and my bros... I will tell you. My sisters are lived with their husbands. And my brothers are busy with their own business.
Anyway, month of fasting days are numbered. and I've imagined, I certainly would feel very lonely. Because all my brothers and sisters was away from me. And it is killing me inside. I love them! I love my parents and my siblings! They were so awesome!!
Became the youngest child is not special and good for me. Sometimes became the youngest child is so BAD THING! Always feelin' lonely when your brothers or sisters are leave you and it was killed you inside.
I miss hangin' out with my sisters and brothers so fuck damn much!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What the f*ck happened with twitter?! My twitter's followers and my following are disappear!

Just captured it in a same time. TweetDeck said total my followers and following are normal. But echofon and Twitter showing me that I have 0 followers and 0 following it means my followers and following are disappear
I'm little confused about this.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

July 15th 2011

Well, July 15th 2011 was my Mommy's birthday. Me, my Mom, and My Dad had a great time at my mom's bday. Unfortunately, there's no my sisters and brothers. Just me,my mom, and dad. Cause my sisters was lived with their husbands and couldnt came to my mom's bday, my brothers are on the beach, and hangin' out with their friends.
My mom was cooking an awesome dishes. And she was cooked my favourite foods.
Then I made this birthday card to my mom
Once again........ Happy Birthday, Mom! I love you more than my own life! :D